MCF Contractuelle, Sociologie Intervention Sociale
Patio, Ceris, Bureau 5123
22 rue Descartes
BP 80010 - 67084 Strasbourg cedex
+33 3 68 85 66 38
Domaines de recherche
- migration
- identité
- mixité
- transnationalisme
- intersectionalité
- récit de vie
Sélection de publications
- Gilliéron, Gwendolyn (2022), Binationale Herkunft und Zugehorigkeit. Biographische Aushandlungsprozesse junger Erwachsener in Marokko und der Schweiz. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
- Gilliéorn, Gwendolyn (2022) “Changing from Visibility to Invisibility—An Intersectional Perspective on Mixedness in Switzerland and Morocco.” Genealogy 6(2): 30.
- Gilliéron, Gwednolyn (2022) “Narratives of Belonging in Transnational Contexts. The Multidimensional Experience of Mixedness.” Pp. 88–106 in Mixed Families in a Transnational World, edited by J. Le Gall, C. Therrien, and K. Geoffrion. Oxon/New York: Routledge.
- Gilliéonr, Gwendolyn (2020) “Making the invisible visible: Experiences of mixedness for binational people in Morocco.”, in Rocha, Z. et Aspinall, P. (Eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Mixed Racial and Ethnic Classification. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham pp. 535-548.
- Gilliéron, Gwendolyn and Jurt, Luzia (2017) Ein Ubergang mit Herausforderungen: Erfahrungen ehemaliger, unbegleiteter, minderjahriger Asylsuchenden. Soziale Passagen, 9(1), pp.135-151.